Friday, December 29, 2017

Gio & Gio Bed and Breakfast Ristorante Piccolo Martini and La Caravella

In Venice, we stayed at the Gio & Gio Bed and Breakfast. It is a nice three story building not far from the alley that was momma's sad first impression of Venice. It is just on the corner of Calle de le Ostreghe and Rio dell'Albero - very charming and an easy walk, even with luggage, from the San Mario del Giglio ferry station. The shared living room and kitchen were ample enough for us three and the other guests. Plus, the living room windows overlooked the Rio dell'Albero where many gondola boats gathered every day and pushed off from the docks full of tourists.

Troy on Gio & Gio couch.
Noah on opposite couch in mirror.
Momma on couch.
Noah and Troy in mirror.

More gondola's beside Hotel Bauer
Troy & I did a jazz concert here two nights later.

La Caravella - Favorite little bar on the way back to the hotel
Troy & Momma

La Caravella Venetian Merchant Ship

Troy, Momma & Noah

Ristorante Piccolo Martini
Noah, Troy, Momma

The meal was great at Ristorante Piccolo Martini. I have read a few posts about restaurants charging outrageous amounts of money to tourists, but we did not have a problem at this restaurant or any of the other restaurants during our time in Venice.

We did make our way into Piazza San Marco and saw the Bell Tower of San Marco (La basilica di san Marco con il campanile omonimo) and the Doge Palace (Palazzo Ducale).  It was already after dark and the square was crowded. I made the mistake of engaging conversation with one of the street vendors who offered me a toy that flew into the air and floated back to the ground like a helicopter while lite up in neon lights. I gave the money that I had which was enough at the time but apparently not enough for his boss who made the street vendor follow us (and the boss followed as well) and demand more money. I said no. I offered the toy back. We ended with Troy and I adamantly telling them to leave us alone and walking momma further down the street (more like a crowded alley with shops). It was dark and we had just gotten into Venice and we thought that every single person was following us to get even for this blame toy (the toy is sitting on my bathroom vanity still now, unopened). We were really glad to get back to the hotel that night without getting mugged because we really felt like we were in the ideal mugging situation. Avoid the street vendors who walk around selling anything. It is a racket that you do not want to cross.

We slept well once we got back to the hotel and locked the doors.

Touring Dorsoduro

Touring Venice 2018 Pages

<< Gio & Gio Bed and Breakfast and More of First Day >>

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